Sunday, April 6, 2008

I'm 2!

Will is 2 years old! His actual birthday was last Thursday and it feels like we have been celebrating ever since! It's like Mardi Gras or Hanukkah or something. And at the rate we are spacing out all the gifts, it will still be his birthday next April. We had a big day, starting at his buddy Blaine's house. Blaine is a "big" boy (almost 3) and Will thinks he is really cool. Then we went to "Pump It Up" for his friend Michael's birthday party. This was a little confusing for us but we just rolled with it, pretending it was Will's birthday party too. (We steered clear of Michael's gifts, though.) Inflatable bouncy things are Will's favorite; he is fearless. A huge birthday dinner of fried chicken capped off the evening, followed by a monkey cake, and yep, presents. Saturday was the actual day of his birthday party. The theme was Curious George, Will's favorite cartoon, which admittedly has some poor role modeling in it. In every episode, curiosity evolves into mischief and then some form of shady (dis)honesty. But monkeys are cute so I figured it would make a cute theme. It turned out to be a lot of fun for the kiddos but the weather didn't exactly cooperate. See the dark skies in the above picture. Tica and Tati were so gracious to let us move the party indoors. We are still celebrating but here are a few pictures to tide you over. His major present, an electric jeep, is still waiting to be unveiled but there are just too many other distractions right now. It will remain my wild card... :)


LuLaRoeMeg said...

I can't believe our boys are two. How has the time gone by already? Cole has started to put his fingers in his mouth during embarrassing times too. Adorable pictures!

Kate & Gabe said...

Happy Birthday Will! I love the sunglasses! :) Oh, and Curious George is one of Kate's favorite shows too....after "Little Bear and Cinderella."